
To promote access to quality education and encourage retention for less privileged children and adolescents in School.

To provide basic education, vocational education and training for the disadvantaged children, adolescents and youth in order to make them literate and empowered.

To contribute towards elimination of gender inequalities in primary and secondary education.

Outcome: A society empowered with literate people who are able to influence positive change for resilience, self-reliance and sustainability.

Health and Safe guarding

Health and Safeguarding (including pandemics and epidemics, psycho- social support, drug abuse reduction, mental health promotion)

To raise awareness, understanding and knowledge on HIV/AIDS prevention, care and treatment and other STIs.

To promote healthier and safer lives through participatory interventions, prevent diseases and encourage healthier choices and actions among adolescents and Children.

Outcome: A healthier society.

Humanitarian Support and Relief

To reduce the impact of poverty and disasters among the marginalized and vulnerable populations in the development process.

To Identify and implement most sustainable solutions through – Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Response mitigation and Advocacy.

Outcome: Quick response to disaster mitigation measures.

Business Development

Business Development (Systems Strengthening/Capacity building, Consultancies and fundraising, policy development and procedures (MOS and SOP), Organization management, HR, Resource Mobilization, Financial management and literacy, Research and Documentation).

To create and conduct business development opportunities to meet Organizational specific needs aimed at contributing to the economic gaps for the needy, their families and communities at large.

Outcome: Self-reliance for sustainability.